Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The beginning...

27 elm street is where I grew up...on the edge of a large property, complete with Italianate mansion, ornamental lake, Victorian fernery and extensive gardens. My parents rented a weatherboard and brick cottage where I spent the first 12 years of my life in close proximity to all this grandeur...

My Pop was head gardener and Dad would help out on his days off...clearing the choking green weed on the lake, pruning, clearing etc....so as you can imagine botanical names were tossed around...

I remember Pop taking us into the fernery to see baby birds in their nest...and down into the basement where a Pea Hen was in charge of her chicks...

One Christmas morning he smuggled us into the 'Big House' to see the dining room all decked out for Christmas dinner...I have a vague memory of sparkling crystal and silverware...

So..with all of this on my doorstep and the surrounding suburb full of old and interesting houses, I was dreaming very early on of a home and garden full of interesting stuff!

This little blog is a spin off from Robynne's Nest and will, more often than not, be featuring some of the interesting bits I've collected as well as lovely random things that inspire me along the way...

Rob x

1 comment:

  1. Sehr schöne Fotos hast Du gemacht.

    Viele Grüße aus Germany sendet Dir, Carmen
